There is a forest of advice about how to cope if the Get Windows 10 Icon doesn't appear on the task bar, but none of it seems very straightforward.
I have just bought an Inspiron 13 7000 series 2-in-1 which doesn't have the icon, so I can't register. My problem is that all the advice sends me off to Microsoft, whose advice is not only non-Dell specific, but is also very nested and complicated to follow.
I'm not keen to follow the advice to start plumbing the depths of Batch Files and Command Prompts (come on, this is 2015!), without being sure there isn't a simple answer to why the App is hiding or missing. Perhaps my new PC isn't capable of running Win 10? I would be seriously disappointed if so, but without the app I can't check. Perhaps there is some other reason my "device is . . . excluded from this reservation offer", but I don't know how to confirm that.
Any suggestions gratefully received.