Hello all,
I have had a Dell XPS L502X laptop since 2011.. i7 2630QM @2.00GB.....has run absolutely flawlessly as a daily machine in this time. I must admit I've got my money's worth out of this laptop.
I upgraded to Windows 10 when it was released, fully aware the machine is not officially supported by Dell. It has however, pretty much run flawlessly again so I've continued.
The only issue I have is battery drain, which is considerably more. I get about 2 hours out of a full charge. I'm assuming this would likely be caused by the 2nd generation processor.
I've optimised all the power settings I know of. Any suggestions on what else I could try, or what tests I could run on the processor.
Am looking to upgrade to a later laptop sometime next year, try to put win 7 back on this one, and give it to my son.
Thanks for any input.