I upgraded the OS to Windows 10. Windows 8.1 was operating fine. After the upgrade, my resolution is 640X480. I can't change it anywhere. Device Manager initially showed the monitor as a Generic Non PNP monitor. I was able to change it to the U2412M with DisplayPort. It says it has the most recent drivers. If I try to recognize it manually, it will revert back to the Generic one. When I attempt to update the Catalyst dashboard, drivers, etc. it says I have the latest there, too. However, when I attempt to change the resolution either under Windows 10 from the desktop or from the Catalyst dash, my only choice is 640X480. On the Windows desktop, the pull down menu is grayed out so I can not choose any other resolution. In the Catalyst dash, there are no other choices. Any thoughts on how to get to a usuable resolution? My computer is a year old, and all of the components are still being used on the latest 8700 SE being sold, and advertised as Windows 10 compatible.