I am a computer novice.
I have a Dell XPS, used by 4 family members. I am the administrator. The other 3 are Standard users. The all worked fine on Wndows 8.
It came with Windows 8. I was offered free upgrade to Windows 10 by Microsoft and agreed. A little Windows sign told me it was ready and I clicked it. An hour later I had Windows 10 (Home). All working great.
Next time I signed in it came up with the subject message above. Meaning that my other family members can't sign in.
I have seen lots of posts where this happened on Windows 7 & 8 upgrades, but nothing on Windows 10
Srangely, at the same time Google Chrome stopped loading up and I don't seem to be be able to access Microsoft on the web. Not sure if that is anything to do with the same problem.
Can anyone help me?