I have a Windows 10 Dell desktop, older Toshiba laptop Windows 10 (former W8, I think), and a work Dell laptop that's Windows 7.
For years, have used the MSoft Briefcase and a flashdrive. Can't grasp why it was cut from W10, but it was.
Recently, I put the flash in the home Dell desktop to update/sync, and I got a prompt that I think was related to what to do when a drive was utilized, and I think I hit 'view folders' etc.
Alas, suddenly, the home Dell desktop stopped recognizing the briefcase, and turned it into simply a folder.
The same briefcases remained intact in the flash, in the older Toshiba laptop, and the work Dell laptop.
Googled, and found the workaround for Windows 10 and briefcases, two tweaks/downloads to enable the briefcase to be added to the new context menu.
Never worked. For two days.
Tried it on the Toshiba laptop, also W10, that was showing the briefcases, and it worked on the first try.
Not sure if it's a Dell issue or W10 issue. I don't mess with much, not smart enough.
But I can'f figure out why one W10 computer accepted the workaround and the other didn't. I'd donate to the Gates Foundation to get the briefcase back.