Problem: Blue Screeen BSOD while running torrents computer will shut off repeatedly after 10 minutes while torrents are running. Very fustrating and this is a new install so im thinking of just going back to Win7 if anything. Have tried multiple drivers. and little things on other forums. I think the stock driver im useing now is working the longest.
System: M4800 i7-M4800MQ 32GB K2100M
BIOS:A18 Windows 10 Pro 64X All Current Drivers Except Network Card
Dell 1550 2x2 Broadcom DEV_43B1 / Dell 1550 2x2 BT 4.0
BSOD Errors:
Memory Management
System_thread_exception_not_handeled BCMWL63a.sys
Along with others errors but these are the most prominent.
SFC /Scannow Multiple passes ( reported errors wont fix all)
logs refer to file ownership errors?
DISM No Errors
Memtest 3 passes shows 0 Errors
Tried All 4 Wireless Drives from Dell
A00 5/14/2015
A01 7/7/2015
A02 9/30/2015
A03 12/1/2015
Roll Back Driver 6/30/2013
Precision M4800 Windows Pro 10 Win10 Broadcom BSOD Blue Screen bcmwl63a.sys Torrents DEV_43B1 Dell 1550 Memory Management Thread Exception