Please help! I have had a inspiron 5558 64 bit laptop that is coming up to a year old. When I bought it, it came with a few upgrade to the new windows 10 which I installed as soon as I started it up for the first time. Its always been slow and I am hoping that removing windows 10 and replacing it with windows 8.1 pro will help as this was the system the laptop was designed to run.
So first question is... will it help?
Second question... How do I do this? I know I need to back up my laptop. I have an external hard drive for this. I have bought windows 8.1 online and a link has been emailed through to me with a product key. However I keep hearing something about having to reinstall drivers.... but I don't have a cd for the laptop, and don't remember if it came with one.
Any help or links to step by steps would be seriously appreciated, Dell official support have been useless and have tried charging me a bomb for a) doing it, b) for windows 8 and c) for a disk with operating systems or something on them??
Thanks in advance :)